Introducing the first web app that uses HTML5 technology to allow online word processing on the Google Chrome Web App Store.

While most word processing programs are confusing and take a long time to load and start up, Chrome Writer lets you skip most of the waiting time and lets you get started writing down your draft.

Whether you’re composing a simple word document, or are you just jotting down some simple notes that you want to email to some co-workers, Chrome Writer is simple and easy and lets you focus mostly on the important stuff, which is writing your documents.

Chrome Writer Dashboard

Chrome Writer Interface

Download Writer for Chrome

Versions 0.8
– Templates adjusted to match other Chrome Services
– Font Family and Font Size Options added

Versions 0.7
– Stronger UI integration
– Development into the Chrome App Store framework
– Template Specs, Dashboard, and Options

Versions 0.6.5
– Auto saving all three doc files and their names.
– Growing text box adjusts to the size of your page.
– View your draft in a full screen no distraction view.
– Save out your draft as (.doc, .txt, .docx) other programs to open.
– Email your friends what you’ve been working while your still writing it.
– Print out your document to see it on paper.